Incidental Mutation 'IGL00548:Dctn5'
ID 12570
Institutional Source Australian Phenomics Network (link to record)
Gene Symbol Dctn5
Ensembl Gene ENSMUSG00000030868
Gene Name dynactin 5
Synonyms 4930427E12Rik, p25 dynactin subunit, b2b315Clo
Accession Numbers
Essential gene? Essential (E-score: 1.000) question?
Stock # IGL00548
Quality Score
Chromosome 7
Chromosomal Location 121732264-121748267 bp(+) (GRCm39)
Type of Mutation nonsense
DNA Base Change (assembly) T to A at 121743019 bp (GRCm39)
Zygosity Heterozygous
Amino Acid Change Cysteine to Stop codon at position 120 (C120*)
Ref Sequence ENSEMBL: ENSMUSP00000033156 (fasta)
Gene Model predicted gene model for transcript(s): [ENSMUST00000033156] [ENSMUST00000176295]
AlphaFold Q9QZB9
Predicted Effect probably null
Transcript: ENSMUST00000033156
AA Change: C120*
SMART Domains Protein: ENSMUSP00000033156
Gene: ENSMUSG00000030868
AA Change: C120*

Pfam:Hexapep 84 118 1.3e-6 PFAM
Pfam:Hexapep 100 130 7.5e-7 PFAM
Pfam:Hexapep 107 142 7.7e-6 PFAM
Predicted Effect noncoding transcript
Transcript: ENSMUST00000123602
Predicted Effect noncoding transcript
Transcript: ENSMUST00000132811
Predicted Effect probably benign
Transcript: ENSMUST00000176295
Coding Region Coverage
Validation Efficiency
MGI Phenotype FUNCTION: [Summary is not available for the mouse gene. This summary is for the human ortholog.] This gene encodes a subunit of dynactin, a component of the cytoplasmic dynein motor machinery involved in minus-end-directed transport. The encoded protein is a component of the pointed-end subcomplex and is thought to bind membranous cargo. A pseudogene of this gene is located on the long arm of chromosome 1. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding multiple isoforms have been observed for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Jan 2011]
PHENOTYPE: Mice homozygous for an ENU-induced mutation exhibit double outlet right ventricle (DORV), overriding aorta, and ventricular septal defect (VSD). Micrognathia, microcephaly/anencephaly and holoprosencephaly are also observed. [provided by MGI curators]
Allele List at MGI
Other mutations in this stock
Total: 12 list
GeneRefVarChr/LocMutationPredicted EffectZygosity
Agbl4 A G 4: 110,976,081 (GRCm39) Y146C probably damaging Het
Ddah2 A G 17: 35,279,607 (GRCm39) D109G possibly damaging Het
Dgke G A 11: 88,946,197 (GRCm39) T201I probably benign Het
Elmo1 A G 13: 20,445,749 (GRCm39) I146V probably benign Het
Fam98a T C 17: 75,845,813 (GRCm39) E311G probably damaging Het
Herc2 T A 7: 55,856,313 (GRCm39) M3881K probably benign Het
Mroh2b A G 15: 4,960,798 (GRCm39) K787E probably benign Het
Neb A G 2: 52,133,984 (GRCm39) V3333A probably benign Het
Prkch C A 12: 73,749,585 (GRCm39) Q393K probably damaging Het
Rfx3 A G 19: 27,783,586 (GRCm39) probably null Het
Ubr5 T C 15: 38,004,565 (GRCm39) T1281A probably benign Het
Usp24 A G 4: 106,198,495 (GRCm39) T134A probably damaging Het
Other mutations in Dctn5
AlleleSourceChrCoordTypePredicted EffectPPH Score
IGL02110:Dctn5 APN 7 121,734,374 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL03102:Dctn5 APN 7 121,732,382 (GRCm39) missense probably benign
R4458:Dctn5 UTSW 7 121,734,303 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R5437:Dctn5 UTSW 7 121,732,552 (GRCm39) utr 3 prime probably benign
R5540:Dctn5 UTSW 7 121,734,275 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.19
R6027:Dctn5 UTSW 7 121,732,564 (GRCm39) splice site probably benign
R6112:Dctn5 UTSW 7 121,732,460 (GRCm39) unclassified probably benign
R6499:Dctn5 UTSW 7 121,734,320 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.07
R8049:Dctn5 UTSW 7 121,732,466 (GRCm39) unclassified probably benign
Posted On 2012-12-06