Incidental Mutation 'IGL00826:Slfn10-ps'
ID 14135
Institutional Source Australian Phenomics Network (link to record)
Gene Symbol Slfn10-ps
Ensembl Gene ENSMUSG00000072621
Gene Name schlafen 10, pseudogene
Accession Numbers
Essential gene? Probably non essential (E-score: 0.073) question?
Stock # IGL00826
Quality Score
Chromosome 11
Chromosomal Location 82919681-82926992 bp(-) (GRCm39)
Type of Mutation unclassified
DNA Base Change (assembly) T to C at 82926085 bp (GRCm39)
Zygosity Heterozygous
Amino Acid Change
Gene Model predicted gene model for transcript(s):
AlphaFold no structure available at present
Predicted Effect noncoding transcript
Transcript: ENSMUST00000100716
SMART Domains Protein: ENSMUSP00000098282
Gene: ENSMUSG00000072621

Pfam:AlbA_2 142 278 1.3e-13 PFAM
Pfam:DUF2075 529 697 1.6e-7 PFAM
Predicted Effect noncoding transcript
Transcript: ENSMUST00000152760
SMART Domains Protein: ENSMUSP00000130353
Gene: ENSMUSG00000072621

Pfam:AAA_4 142 280 1.8e-14 PFAM
Pfam:DUF2075 529 693 1.8e-8 PFAM
Predicted Effect noncoding transcript
Transcript: ENSMUST00000185158
Predicted Effect noncoding transcript
Transcript: ENSMUST00000215473
Coding Region Coverage
Validation Efficiency
Allele List at MGI
Other mutations in this stock
Total: 27 list
GeneRefVarChr/LocMutationPredicted EffectZygosity
Aars1 T G 8: 111,766,932 (GRCm39) S105A probably damaging Het
Adamtsl1 C T 4: 86,075,041 (GRCm39) P136L probably damaging Het
Akap13 C A 7: 75,327,195 (GRCm39) N376K probably damaging Het
Casp2 T A 6: 42,246,219 (GRCm39) Y192* probably null Het
Cfap206 C T 4: 34,721,562 (GRCm39) S162N probably damaging Het
Cyp2c68 A G 19: 39,727,949 (GRCm39) Y68H possibly damaging Het
Cyp2j9 A T 4: 96,474,167 (GRCm39) I91K possibly damaging Het
Diablo T C 5: 123,650,751 (GRCm39) I179M probably benign Het
Dnah9 C T 11: 65,880,768 (GRCm39) V2610M probably damaging Het
Dsc2 C T 18: 20,168,372 (GRCm39) A696T probably damaging Het
Eaf2 A T 16: 36,621,038 (GRCm39) M218K probably benign Het
Emc9 G T 14: 55,822,377 (GRCm39) L64I possibly damaging Het
Epb41l2 T C 10: 25,317,620 (GRCm39) S46P probably benign Het
Galnt7 A T 8: 57,993,105 (GRCm39) Y405* probably null Het
Gnl3 A G 14: 30,734,753 (GRCm39) probably benign Het
Map1a A G 2: 121,132,757 (GRCm39) Q1191R possibly damaging Het
Map2k2 G A 10: 80,954,052 (GRCm39) V173I probably benign Het
Nbeal2 A G 9: 110,455,971 (GRCm39) V2408A probably benign Het
Npepps T C 11: 97,126,884 (GRCm39) probably benign Het
Osbpl8 A T 10: 111,108,181 (GRCm39) probably benign Het
Phf12 G T 11: 77,906,332 (GRCm39) R282L probably damaging Het
Phf21a T G 2: 92,174,881 (GRCm39) probably benign Het
Plin2 T C 4: 86,582,683 (GRCm39) N98D possibly damaging Het
Prl7a1 A G 13: 27,824,778 (GRCm39) V19A probably damaging Het
Spag11b T G 8: 19,191,423 (GRCm39) V33G possibly damaging Het
Trappc13 A T 13: 104,281,016 (GRCm39) S349T probably benign Het
Trim34a T C 7: 103,910,140 (GRCm39) probably null Het
Other mutations in Slfn10-ps
AlleleSourceChrCoordTypePredicted EffectPPH Score
IGL00773:Slfn10-ps APN 11 82,926,355 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
IGL01022:Slfn10-ps APN 11 82,926,353 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
IGL01409:Slfn10-ps APN 11 82,926,322 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
IGL01664:Slfn10-ps APN 11 82,926,761 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
IGL01700:Slfn10-ps APN 11 82,919,938 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
IGL02093:Slfn10-ps APN 11 82,923,016 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
IGL02253:Slfn10-ps APN 11 82,919,890 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
IGL02364:Slfn10-ps APN 11 82,923,117 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
IGL02466:Slfn10-ps APN 11 82,921,090 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
IGL02636:Slfn10-ps APN 11 82,920,971 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R0055:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,921,126 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R0055:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,921,126 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R0069:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,926,368 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R0069:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,926,368 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R0164:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,926,128 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R0362:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,926,600 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R0382:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,920,360 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R0597:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,926,479 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R0812:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,926,388 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R0904:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,926,235 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R1552:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,920,676 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R1703:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,920,869 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R2127:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,921,168 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R2151:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,926,511 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R2302:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,919,756 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R3114:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,919,955 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R4293:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,926,260 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R4929:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,920,345 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R4970:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,921,207 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R5083:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,921,341 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R5290:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,919,851 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R5306:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,926,355 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
R5444:Slfn10-ps UTSW 11 82,926,113 (GRCm39) unclassified noncoding transcript
Posted On 2012-12-06