Incidental Mutation 'IGL00335:Sox4'
ID 362020
Institutional Source Australian Phenomics Network (link to record)
Gene Symbol Sox4
Ensembl Gene ENSMUSG00000076431
Gene Name SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 4
Synonyms Sox-4
Accession Numbers
Essential gene? Essential (E-score: 1.000) question?
Stock # IGL00335
Quality Score
Chromosome 13
Chromosomal Location 29132902-29137682 bp(-) (GRCm39)
Type of Mutation missense
DNA Base Change (assembly) C to A at 29136956 bp (GRCm39)
Zygosity Heterozygous
Amino Acid Change Glycine to Tryptophan at position 17 (G17W)
Ref Sequence ENSEMBL: ENSMUSP00000100013 (fasta)
Gene Model predicted gene model for transcript(s): [ENSMUST00000067230]
AlphaFold Q06831
PDB Structure Structure of the Sox4 HMG domain bound to DNA [X-RAY DIFFRACTION]
Predicted Effect probably damaging
Transcript: ENSMUST00000067230
AA Change: G17W

PolyPhen 2 Score 0.999 (Sensitivity: 0.14; Specificity: 0.99)
SMART Domains Protein: ENSMUSP00000100013
Gene: ENSMUSG00000076431
AA Change: G17W

low complexity region 31 44 N/A INTRINSIC
HMG 58 128 3.66e-29 SMART
low complexity region 132 150 N/A INTRINSIC
low complexity region 157 183 N/A INTRINSIC
low complexity region 233 253 N/A INTRINSIC
internal_repeat_1 268 285 7.33e-5 PROSPERO
internal_repeat_1 278 295 7.33e-5 PROSPERO
low complexity region 304 324 N/A INTRINSIC
low complexity region 330 363 N/A INTRINSIC
low complexity region 364 374 N/A INTRINSIC
low complexity region 377 400 N/A INTRINSIC
Predicted Effect noncoding transcript
Transcript: ENSMUST00000180992
Coding Region Coverage
Validation Efficiency
MGI Phenotype FUNCTION: [Summary is not available for the mouse gene. This summary is for the human ortholog.] This intronless gene encodes a member of the SOX (SRY-related HMG-box) family of transcription factors involved in the regulation of embryonic development and in the determination of the cell fate. The encoded protein may act as a transcriptional regulator after forming a protein complex with other proteins, such as syndecan binding protein (syntenin). The protein may function in the apoptosis pathway leading to cell death as well as to tumorigenesis and may mediate downstream effects of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related protein (PTHrP) in bone development. The solution structure has been resolved for the HMG-box of a similar mouse protein. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
PHENOTYPE: Homozygous targeted null mutants die at embryonic day 14 due to circulatory failure and showing impaired development of the semilunar valves and the muscular ventricular septum. Null fetal liver cells are unable to develop into B-cells in chimeric mice. [provided by MGI curators]
Allele List at MGI
Other mutations in this stock
Total: 36 list
GeneRefVarChr/LocMutationPredicted EffectZygosity
1700048O20Rik C A 9: 121,769,833 (GRCm39) noncoding transcript Het
4930579F01Rik C A 3: 137,891,959 (GRCm39) probably benign Het
Aurkc T A 7: 6,999,547 (GRCm39) I18N probably damaging Het
Bace1 T C 9: 45,750,588 (GRCm39) probably null Het
Chrne C T 11: 70,506,588 (GRCm39) V311I probably benign Het
Cimip2b G A 4: 43,428,158 (GRCm39) R100W possibly damaging Het
Cyp2c70 C T 19: 40,156,020 (GRCm39) V177M probably damaging Het
Dusp10 A G 1: 183,801,328 (GRCm39) E365G probably benign Het
Fcgbp C A 7: 27,785,560 (GRCm39) N332K possibly damaging Het
Irx4 T C 13: 73,416,810 (GRCm39) V402A probably benign Het
Kcnq4 G A 4: 120,555,213 (GRCm39) Q657* probably null Het
Kif14 G A 1: 136,396,756 (GRCm39) S354N probably benign Het
Lama3 A G 18: 12,582,645 (GRCm39) probably benign Het
Lhfpl7 A G 5: 113,383,869 (GRCm39) R96G probably benign Het
Lrrc8b T C 5: 105,628,365 (GRCm39) I237T probably damaging Het
Mepe G T 5: 104,485,843 (GRCm39) G328C probably damaging Het
Numb A G 12: 83,854,906 (GRCm39) I129T probably damaging Het
Or5h25 T C 16: 58,930,961 (GRCm39) D4G probably benign Het
Or6c209 T C 10: 129,483,306 (GRCm39) I103T probably benign Het
Osmr T C 15: 6,866,504 (GRCm39) D390G probably benign Het
Pglyrp3 G A 3: 91,929,986 (GRCm39) V51I probably damaging Het
Phactr2 T C 10: 13,121,279 (GRCm39) T470A probably damaging Het
Psmg1 G A 16: 95,781,268 (GRCm39) T259I possibly damaging Het
Rtl3 T C X: 105,882,543 (GRCm39) T240A probably benign Het
Ryr1 C T 7: 28,824,385 (GRCm39) probably null Het
Slc10a6 A G 5: 103,756,991 (GRCm39) S258P probably benign Het
Slc1a6 T C 10: 78,637,647 (GRCm39) L391P probably damaging Het
Slc6a7 C T 18: 61,134,681 (GRCm39) V465M possibly damaging Het
Sost T C 11: 101,857,705 (GRCm39) D32G probably damaging Het
Tifab A G 13: 56,324,282 (GRCm39) S54P probably damaging Het
Tnrc6a T A 7: 122,770,003 (GRCm39) S598T probably benign Het
Vmn2r1 T A 3: 64,012,809 (GRCm39) I890N probably damaging Het
Wapl A G 14: 34,414,593 (GRCm39) D485G probably benign Het
Wee2 A T 6: 40,438,995 (GRCm39) I373F probably damaging Het
Xkr6 A G 14: 64,056,664 (GRCm39) T192A probably damaging Het
Zfp638 A G 6: 83,956,700 (GRCm39) D1769G probably damaging Het
Other mutations in Sox4
AlleleSourceChrCoordTypePredicted EffectPPH Score
IGL00158:Sox4 APN 13 29,136,956 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL00164:Sox4 APN 13 29,136,956 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL00229:Sox4 APN 13 29,136,956 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL00230:Sox4 APN 13 29,136,956 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL00231:Sox4 APN 13 29,136,956 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL00232:Sox4 APN 13 29,136,956 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL00310:Sox4 APN 13 29,136,956 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL00333:Sox4 APN 13 29,136,956 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL01293:Sox4 APN 13 29,136,664 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL01761:Sox4 APN 13 29,136,790 (GRCm39) missense possibly damaging 0.68
R0594:Sox4 UTSW 13 29,136,887 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R1896:Sox4 UTSW 13 29,136,127 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R1969:Sox4 UTSW 13 29,136,631 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R2051:Sox4 UTSW 13 29,136,764 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R2235:Sox4 UTSW 13 29,136,613 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R5855:Sox4 UTSW 13 29,136,979 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R7177:Sox4 UTSW 13 29,137,000 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R8811:Sox4 UTSW 13 29,136,911 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 0.99
R9557:Sox4 UTSW 13 29,136,913 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 0.99
R9614:Sox4 UTSW 13 29,136,079 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
Posted On 2015-12-18