Incidental Mutation 'IGL03243:Unc13d'
ID 414306
Institutional Source Australian Phenomics Network (link to record)
Gene Symbol Unc13d
Ensembl Gene ENSMUSG00000057948
Gene Name unc-13 homolog D
Synonyms Jinx, 2610108D09Rik, Munc13-4
Accession Numbers
Essential gene? Probably non essential (E-score: 0.132) question?
Stock # IGL03243
Quality Score
Chromosome 11
Chromosomal Location 115952921-115968787 bp(-) (GRCm39)
Type of Mutation missense
DNA Base Change (assembly) A to T at 115958670 bp (GRCm39)
Zygosity Heterozygous
Amino Acid Change Valine to Aspartic acid at position 784 (V784D)
Ref Sequence ENSEMBL: ENSMUSP00000133679 (fasta)
Gene Model predicted gene model for transcript(s): [ENSMUST00000075036] [ENSMUST00000106450] [ENSMUST00000106451] [ENSMUST00000173345] [ENSMUST00000174822]
AlphaFold B2RUP2
Predicted Effect probably benign
Transcript: ENSMUST00000075036
AA Change: V782D

PolyPhen 2 Score 0.101 (Sensitivity: 0.93; Specificity: 0.86)
SMART Domains Protein: ENSMUSP00000074549
Gene: ENSMUSG00000057948
AA Change: V782D

low complexity region 21 26 N/A INTRINSIC
C2 111 261 5.31e-11 SMART
PDB:3SWH|B 585 735 8e-6 PDB
low complexity region 738 751 N/A INTRINSIC
Pfam:Membr_traf_MHD 785 892 1.9e-25 PFAM
C2 923 1031 7.93e-10 SMART
Predicted Effect probably benign
Transcript: ENSMUST00000106450
AA Change: V784D

PolyPhen 2 Score 0.061 (Sensitivity: 0.94; Specificity: 0.84)
SMART Domains Protein: ENSMUSP00000102058
Gene: ENSMUSG00000057948
AA Change: V784D

low complexity region 21 26 N/A INTRINSIC
C2 111 261 5.31e-11 SMART
PDB:3SWH|B 587 737 8e-6 PDB
low complexity region 740 753 N/A INTRINSIC
Pfam:Membr_traf_MHD 787 894 1.9e-25 PFAM
C2 925 1033 7.93e-10 SMART
Predicted Effect probably benign
Transcript: ENSMUST00000106451
AA Change: V784D

PolyPhen 2 Score 0.061 (Sensitivity: 0.94; Specificity: 0.84)
SMART Domains Protein: ENSMUSP00000102059
Gene: ENSMUSG00000057948
AA Change: V784D

low complexity region 21 26 N/A INTRINSIC
C2 111 261 5.31e-11 SMART
PDB:3SWH|B 587 737 8e-6 PDB
low complexity region 740 753 N/A INTRINSIC
Pfam:Membr_traf_MHD 788 838 7.1e-10 PFAM
Pfam:Membr_traf_MHD 830 893 1.4e-15 PFAM
C2 925 1033 7.93e-10 SMART
Predicted Effect probably benign
Transcript: ENSMUST00000173345
AA Change: V784D

PolyPhen 2 Score 0.342 (Sensitivity: 0.90; Specificity: 0.89)
SMART Domains Protein: ENSMUSP00000133679
Gene: ENSMUSG00000057948
AA Change: V784D

low complexity region 21 26 N/A INTRINSIC
C2 111 261 5.31e-11 SMART
PDB:3SWH|B 587 737 5e-6 PDB
low complexity region 740 753 N/A INTRINSIC
Predicted Effect noncoding transcript
Transcript: ENSMUST00000173943
Predicted Effect probably benign
Transcript: ENSMUST00000174822
AA Change: V782D

PolyPhen 2 Score 0.101 (Sensitivity: 0.93; Specificity: 0.86)
SMART Domains Protein: ENSMUSP00000134260
Gene: ENSMUSG00000057948
AA Change: V782D

low complexity region 21 26 N/A INTRINSIC
C2 111 261 5.31e-11 SMART
PDB:3SWH|B 585 735 8e-6 PDB
low complexity region 738 751 N/A INTRINSIC
Pfam:Membr_traf_MHD 785 892 1.9e-25 PFAM
C2 923 1031 7.93e-10 SMART
Coding Region Coverage
Validation Efficiency
MGI Phenotype FUNCTION: [Summary is not available for the mouse gene. This summary is for the human ortholog.] This gene encodes a protein that is a member of the UNC13 family, containing similar domain structure as other family members but lacking an N-terminal phorbol ester-binding C1 domain present in other Munc13 proteins. The protein appears to play a role in vesicle maturation during exocytosis and is involved in regulation of cytolytic granules secretion. Mutations in this gene are associated with familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis type 3, a genetically heterogeneous, rare autosomal recessive disorder. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
PHENOTYPE: Targeted deletion of this gene leads to defective hemostasis, abrogated thrombus formation and protection of homozygotes from ischemic stroke in the absence of intracranial bleeding. Homozygous ENU mutant mice are sensitive to infection by mouse cytomegalovirus. [provided by MGI curators]
Allele List at MGI
Other mutations in this stock
Total: 31 list
GeneRefVarChr/LocMutationPredicted EffectZygosity
Adam26a T C 8: 44,021,733 (GRCm39) T586A probably benign Het
Agtr1b T C 3: 20,369,959 (GRCm39) T216A probably benign Het
Ankdd1a T C 9: 65,408,752 (GRCm39) R505G probably benign Het
Anxa3 A T 5: 96,976,551 (GRCm39) probably benign Het
Atp6v1c2 C T 12: 17,339,122 (GRCm39) V210I probably benign Het
BC034090 G A 1: 155,101,401 (GRCm39) P288S possibly damaging Het
Catsper2 T C 2: 121,237,300 (GRCm39) H200R probably benign Het
Ceacam23 A T 7: 17,652,574 (GRCm39) noncoding transcript Het
Cntnap5c G T 17: 58,409,171 (GRCm39) A470S probably benign Het
Fcho2 G A 13: 98,913,892 (GRCm39) probably benign Het
Frem1 A C 4: 82,932,206 (GRCm39) L165R probably damaging Het
Gpn1 G A 5: 31,668,175 (GRCm39) probably null Het
Gpr179 T C 11: 97,242,301 (GRCm39) N181S probably benign Het
Heatr5b A T 17: 79,070,509 (GRCm39) probably benign Het
Kat6a A G 8: 23,400,238 (GRCm39) N333S possibly damaging Het
Lrp5 T C 19: 3,680,159 (GRCm39) T442A probably benign Het
Myo15a G T 11: 60,387,344 (GRCm39) L722F probably damaging Het
Nlrp9c T G 7: 26,064,457 (GRCm39) D957A probably damaging Het
Nup58 T A 14: 60,459,065 (GRCm39) T521S probably benign Het
Or7e165 T G 9: 19,694,564 (GRCm39) I45S probably damaging Het
Plek C A 11: 16,945,319 (GRCm39) V4L possibly damaging Het
Sell T A 1: 163,892,911 (GRCm39) H42Q possibly damaging Het
Slfn8 A T 11: 82,894,533 (GRCm39) I702K probably damaging Het
Svep1 T C 4: 58,133,387 (GRCm39) I573V probably benign Het
Tgm1 T A 14: 55,943,364 (GRCm39) I526F probably damaging Het
Tmem30c A T 16: 57,096,513 (GRCm39) S203T probably benign Het
Tox T C 4: 6,697,597 (GRCm39) N402S possibly damaging Het
Trav7d-4 C A 14: 53,007,555 (GRCm39) probably benign Het
Vmn2r68 A G 7: 84,882,963 (GRCm39) V263A possibly damaging Het
Zfp385c A T 11: 100,525,573 (GRCm39) V56D probably damaging Het
Znrf2 A T 6: 54,861,754 (GRCm39) I222L possibly damaging Het
Other mutations in Unc13d
AlleleSourceChrCoordTypePredicted EffectPPH Score
IGL00711:Unc13d APN 11 115,965,229 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 0.99
IGL00976:Unc13d APN 11 115,961,293 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL01630:Unc13d APN 11 115,964,692 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.00
IGL01761:Unc13d APN 11 115,964,695 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL01772:Unc13d APN 11 115,967,358 (GRCm39) missense possibly damaging 0.91
IGL01935:Unc13d APN 11 115,960,577 (GRCm39) missense probably benign
IGL02486:Unc13d APN 11 115,960,632 (GRCm39) splice site probably benign
IGL02503:Unc13d APN 11 115,959,628 (GRCm39) missense possibly damaging 0.82
IGL02519:Unc13d APN 11 115,961,359 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL02524:Unc13d APN 11 115,961,145 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
IGL02634:Unc13d APN 11 115,961,382 (GRCm39) splice site probably benign
IGL02636:Unc13d APN 11 115,964,444 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
jinx UTSW 11 115,964,249 (GRCm39) unclassified probably benign
R0033:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,959,991 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.00
R0084:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,954,657 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R0122:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,956,308 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.00
R0422:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,960,846 (GRCm39) critical splice donor site probably null
R0666:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,960,318 (GRCm39) splice site probably benign
R1019:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,900 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.03
R1333:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,964,381 (GRCm39) splice site probably benign
R1484:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,964,701 (GRCm39) missense possibly damaging 0.72
R1594:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,959,538 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.04
R1597:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,965,262 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.02
R1603:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,964,481 (GRCm39) missense possibly damaging 0.86
R1662:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,959,499 (GRCm39) missense probably null 1.00
R1909:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,961,121 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 0.99
R2015:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,959,581 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R2313:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,954,560 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R2435:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,959,514 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R4705:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,964,214 (GRCm39) missense possibly damaging 0.70
R4732:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,964,408 (GRCm39) missense possibly damaging 0.91
R4733:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,964,408 (GRCm39) missense possibly damaging 0.91
R4792:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,961,108 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R4843:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,965,085 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R5496:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,957,534 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R5571:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,954,480 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.00
R5589:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,960,579 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 0.99
R5838:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,955,451 (GRCm39) missense possibly damaging 0.80
R6058:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,964,394 (GRCm39) critical splice donor site probably null
R6266:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,959,064 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R6807:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,957,577 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 0.98
R7085:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,955,633 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.07
R7098:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,954,552 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R7269:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,959,056 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.01
R7291:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,964,876 (GRCm39) missense possibly damaging 0.79
R7453:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,697 (GRCm39) missense probably benign
R7486:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,965,259 (GRCm39) missense possibly damaging 0.68
R7618:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,957,547 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R7817:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,967,109 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R8290:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,973 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 0.97
R8442:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,657 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 0.99
R8817:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R8818:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R8820:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R8821:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R8858:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,953,618 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
R9031:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R9066:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,957,561 (GRCm39) missense probably benign 0.07
R9084:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R9085:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R9258:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,959,007 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R9258:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R9259:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R9260:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R9396:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,966,529 (GRCm39) critical splice donor site probably null
R9612:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,961,144 (GRCm39) nonsense probably null
R9648:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R9649:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
R9650:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,958,998 (GRCm39) small insertion probably benign
X0027:Unc13d UTSW 11 115,960,582 (GRCm39) missense probably damaging 1.00
Posted On 2016-08-02