Phenotypic Mutation 'kaburo' (pdf version)
Mutation Type
Base Change
Gene Hr
Gene Name lysine demethylase and nuclear receptor corepressor
Synonym(s) rh-bmh, rh, N, bldy, ba
Chromosomal Location 70,789,652-70,810,988 bp (+) (GRCm39)
MGI Phenotype FUNCTION: This gene encodes a protein that is involved in hair growth. This protein functions as a transcriptional corepressor of multiple nuclear receptors, including thyroid hormone receptor, the retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptors and the vitamin D receptors, and it interacts with histone deacetylases. The translation of this protein is modulated by a regulatory ORF that exists upstream of the primary ORF. Mutations in this upstream ORF, U2HR, cause Marie Unna hereditary hypotrichosis (MUHH), an autosomal dominant form of genetic hair loss in human. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2014]
PHENOTYPE: Mutant homozygotes exhibit hair loss, usually wrinkled skin with epidermal cysts. Females do not nurse their pups well. [provided by MGI curators]
Accession Number

Ncbi Refseq: NM_021877.2; MGI:96223

Amino Acid Change
Institutional SourceBeutler Lab
Ref Sequences
Ensembl: ENSMUSP00000022691 (fasta)
Ensembl: ENSMUSP00000124042 (fasta)
Gene Model not available
AlphaFold Q61645
SMART Domains

low complexity region 305 327 N/A INTRINSIC
low complexity region 345 359 N/A INTRINSIC
low complexity region 524 544 N/A INTRINSIC
low complexity region 701 715 N/A INTRINSIC
low complexity region 746 757 N/A INTRINSIC
JmjC 939 1148 7e-38 SMART
Meta Mutation Damage Score Not available question?
Is this an essential gene? Non Essential (E-score: 0.000) question?
Phenotypic Category Autosomal Semidominant
Candidate Explorer Status loading ...
Single pedigree
Linkage Analysis Data
Alleles Listed at MGI

All alleles(26) : Targeted(3) Transgenic(1) Spontaneous(16) Chemically induced(6)

Lab Alleles
AlleleSourceChrCoordTypePredicted EffectPPH Score
IGL01805:Hr APN 14 70802737 splice site probably benign
IGL02020:Hr APN 14 70793877 missense probably benign 0.01
IGL02372:Hr APN 14 70795790 missense possibly damaging 0.94
IGL02380:Hr APN 14 70795201 missense probably damaging 0.98
IGL02554:Hr APN 14 70797306 splice site probably benign
IGL02949:Hr APN 14 70797225 missense possibly damaging 0.87
IGL03406:Hr APN 14 70800860 critical splice donor site probably null
angie UTSW 14 70805273 missense probably damaging 0.97
blofeld UTSW 14 70805525 missense probably damaging 1.00
general UTSW 14 70801124 critical splice donor site probably null
mister_clean UTSW 14 70797504 critical splice donor site probably benign
mushroom UTSW 14 70805525 missense probably damaging 1.00
prune UTSW 14 70808869 missense probably damaging 1.00
ren UTSW 14 70805525 missense probably damaging 1.00
subclinical UTSW 14 70799276 missense possibly damaging 0.89
vessel UTSW 14 70799305 nonsense probably null
yuanxiao UTSW 14 70808888 missense probably damaging 1.00
R0018:Hr UTSW 14 70795717 missense probably benign
R0038:Hr UTSW 14 70805525 missense probably damaging 1.00
R0374:Hr UTSW 14 70793916 missense probably benign 0.01
R0511:Hr UTSW 14 70799352 nonsense probably null
R0609:Hr UTSW 14 70797097 missense probably benign
R1828:Hr UTSW 14 70809477 critical splice donor site probably null
R2030:Hr UTSW 14 70808888 missense probably damaging 1.00
R2266:Hr UTSW 14 70795547 missense probably benign
R2267:Hr UTSW 14 70795547 missense probably benign
R2268:Hr UTSW 14 70795547 missense probably benign
R2377:Hr UTSW 14 70795318 missense probably damaging 1.00
R3686:Hr UTSW 14 70795236 missense probably damaging 0.98
R3687:Hr UTSW 14 70795236 missense probably damaging 0.98
R3754:Hr UTSW 14 70805264 missense probably damaging 1.00
R3803:Hr UTSW 14 70795333 missense probably benign 0.01
R3846:Hr UTSW 14 70808893 missense probably damaging 1.00
R3977:Hr UTSW 14 70801024 missense probably benign 0.01
R3978:Hr UTSW 14 70801024 missense probably benign 0.01
R3979:Hr UTSW 14 70801024 missense probably benign 0.01
R4528:Hr UTSW 14 70803823 missense probably damaging 1.00
R4654:Hr UTSW 14 70801013 missense probably damaging 0.99
R4834:Hr UTSW 14 70797362 missense probably damaging 0.98
R4847:Hr UTSW 14 70793916 missense probably benign 0.04
R4863:Hr UTSW 14 70809412 missense probably damaging 1.00
R5292:Hr UTSW 14 70809432 missense probably damaging 1.00
R5452:Hr UTSW 14 70794067 missense probably damaging 1.00
R5717:Hr UTSW 14 70803616 missense probably benign 0.34
R5902:Hr UTSW 14 70795231 missense probably benign 0.02
R6000:Hr UTSW 14 70805273 missense probably damaging 0.97
R6439:Hr UTSW 14 70799276 missense possibly damaging 0.89
R6823:Hr UTSW 14 70802814 missense probably damaging 0.98
R7030:Hr UTSW 14 70801124 critical splice donor site probably null
R7213:Hr UTSW 14 70795790 missense probably damaging 0.99
R7452:Hr UTSW 14 70808926 missense probably damaging 1.00
R7468:Hr UTSW 14 70795652 missense possibly damaging 0.89
R7572:Hr UTSW 14 70799293 missense possibly damaging 0.66
R7956:Hr UTSW 14 70797327 missense probably benign
R7996:Hr UTSW 14 70801043 nonsense probably null
R7997:Hr UTSW 14 70801043 nonsense probably null
R8076:Hr UTSW 14 70795381 missense probably benign 0.00
R8101:Hr UTSW 14 70805282 missense possibly damaging 0.67
R8553:Hr UTSW 14 70804965 missense probably damaging 1.00
R8749:Hr UTSW 14 70795510 missense probably damaging 1.00
R8850:Hr UTSW 14 70799305 nonsense probably null
R8949:Hr UTSW 14 70795328 missense probably benign 0.01
R9139:Hr UTSW 14 70795079 missense possibly damaging 0.65
R9236:Hr UTSW 14 70809396 missense probably damaging 1.00
R9246:Hr UTSW 14 70808915 missense probably damaging 1.00
R9327:Hr UTSW 14 70805228 missense possibly damaging 0.91
R9337:Hr UTSW 14 70797324 missense probably benign 0.00
R9487:Hr UTSW 14 70794205 missense possibly damaging 0.77
R9487:Hr UTSW 14 70793877 missense probably benign 0.01
R9700:Hr UTSW 14 70804616 missense probably benign 0.00
X0025:Hr UTSW 14 70804391 splice site probably null
X0026:Hr UTSW 14 70805281 missense probably damaging 0.99
Mode of Inheritance Autosomal Semidominant
Local Stock Sperm, gDNA
MMRRC Submission 036518-MU
Last Updated 2018-03-02 4:49 PM by Diantha La Vine
Record Created 2011-02-22 10:04 PM by Wataru Tomisato
Record Posted 2012-04-10
Phenotypic Description

Figure 1.  Representative Kaburo animals at 4.5 weeks.  (A)  A wild-type male mouse.  (B)  A Kaburo heterozygote displays thinning hair compared to the age-matched wild-type animal.  (C)  The Kaburo homozygote displays an almost complete loss of hair.

Figure 2.  Comparison of the ventral side of a wild-type (A) and Kaburo heterozygote (B).  The age-matched Kaburo heterozygote has body-wide thinning of the hair that is especially visible on the ventral side of the animal.

The Kaburo mutant pheotype was observed in a N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced G3 mutant mouse.  The mice displayed an alopecia phenotype and by 4.5 weeks of age, Kaburo homozygous animals have an almost complete loss of fur (Figure 1C).  The heterozygous Kaburo mutants displayed thinning of their fur (Figure 1B) that is especially noticable when comparing the wild-type (Figure 2A) to the heterozygote (Figure 2B) on the ventral side.

Nature of Mutation

Sequencing of the hr locus detected an A to G transition (A12173G) in the Hr gene chromosome 14 (position 12173 in Genbank genomic region NC_000080.5 for linear genomic DNA sequence of hr). 

In ENSMUST00000163060, the mutation location corresponds to intron 9 (36 bp from exon 9, 81 bp from exon 10):

                       <--exon 9  <--intron 9-->     exon 10--> 


799   ...--R--I--H-....--L--P--S-                     -D--D--R-....  814

The mutated A is in red lettering.

In ENSMUST00000022691, the mutation location corresponds to intron 11 (36 bp from exon 11, 81 bp from exon 12):

                       <--exon 11  <--intron 11-->    exon 12--> 


769   ...--R--I--H-....--L--P--S-                     -D--D--R-....  788

The mutated A is in red lettering.

Illustration of Mutations in
Gene & Protein
Protein Prediction

Figure 3. HR functional domains. The N-terminal domain varies between the two isoforms of HR; only the longer isoform is shown. The position of the Kaburo mutation is indiated in red and results in a A to G transition in intron 9 of isoform encoded by the ENSMUST00000163060 cDNA transcript, or A to G transition in intron 11 of the isoform encoded  by the ENSMUST00000022691 cDNA transcript (not shown). NMTS, nuclear matrix targeting signal; RD, repression domain; NLS, nuclear localization signal; ID, interacting domain; ZF, zinc finger domain; ROR, retinoic acid receptor related orphan receptor; TR, thyroid hormone receptor. Click on the image to view other mutations found in HR. Click on each mutation for more specific information.

The Kaburo mutation may result in changes in the intron (albeit not to a donor splice site, acceptor splice site, or branch site) that result in the skipping of exon 11, 12, and/or others (Figure 3).  Exon 12 encodes repressive domain (RD) 2 (aa 725-839).  If any or all of exon 12 is affected by the Kaburo mutation, portions of the RD2 domain that interact with the thyroid hormone receptor (TR), the retinoic acid receptor related orphan receptor α (RORα) and the vitamin D receptor (VDR) could also be affected (see prune for more details) (1-3).  Domains that have been shown to interact with TR are located at amino acids 792-805 (TR-ID1 for TR interacting domain 1) and amino acids 1001-1013 (TR-ID2) (1).  RORα-interacting domains (ROR-ID) are located at amino acids 561-565 and 753-757 (2). Expression analysis of Kaburo, indicates that there is no alterations in splicing within the fragment that was assayed (primers were designed to amplify exons 10-13) (Figure 4A).  The band size, as determined by RT-PCR, was maintained, although the amount of product appears reduced.  qRT-PCR analysis confirmed that there was a drastic reduction in the amount of Hr cDNA expression in Kaburo (Figure 4B).  

Figure 4.  Expression analysis of Kaburo.  (A)  RT-PCR analysis of Kaburo.  The expected band size is 590 bp. The Kaburo mutants generate the correct band size.  The upper bands are predicted to result from genomic DNA contamination. (B) qRT-PCR analysis of Kaburo.  The homozygous Kaburo mouse (HrKaburo/HrKaburo) expresses less than 1/20 of Hr to the wild-type (Hr+/Hr+) mouse.

Please see prune and mister clean for more information about Hr.

Putative Mechanism

Mice with the classical hairless (hr) and rhino (hrrh) mutations develop a normal first coat, but do not reinitiate subsequent hair cycles, resulting in alopecia (4-6). The Kaburo mutation results in reduction in the expression of the mutant cDNA, similar to some of the rhino alleles (4).  The Kaburo phenotype does not appear as severe as the prune, mister clean, or hr knockout phenotypes suggesting that some retention of HR function occurs, at least initially, in these animals.

Primers Primers cannot be located by automatic search.

Kaburo genotyping is performed by amplifying the region containing the mutation using PCR, followed by sequencing of the amplified region to detect the single nucleotide change.  

Primers for PCR amplification



PCR program

1) 94°C             2:00

2) 94°C             0:30

3) 56°C             0:30

4) 72°C             1:00

5) repeat steps (2-4) 29X

6) 72°C             7:00

7) 4°C               

Primers for sequencing

Kaburo _seq(F): 5’- ATGACCGGATTCACATGGC-3'

Kaburo _seq(R): 5’- TGACACTAACACGGGCTG-3’

The following sequence of 1203 nucleotides (from Genbank genomic region NC_000080.5 for linear DNA sequence of hr) is amplified:

11521                                       agggt ctctctgaac ctgaagctgt

11581 attagtggcc agcaaacctc agccagcagt gtccctagct ccacgccacc tcttccccaa

11641 cccaagagct gaggtggcaa gcaaaacaat aacattttat ttgtttgttg tttgggtttt

11701 ttttgttttt gttttttttg tgagtgttgg ggatttgaac ttagatcctg acatttctta

11761 cttacacaga aattctgtgt gcttgcctgc tgagctgtct cacagttcaa gactcccatt

11821 tggagccact cttctcagag acgctgcaac ttcctttagg aaagcagaga tggggcgaca

11881 cccagacata gtacagtaaa gttgaggtgc tattgaagta aagactaaag gccaagcaga

11941 aagccactca ctcactattt tcttcttcaa cagagacccc agactccact gagagcccag

12001 cagaggatgg tgctggccgg tcaccccttc cttgtccctc tctctgtgag ctgctagcct

12061 ctactgctgt caaactctgc ctggggcatg accggattca catggccttt gctccggtca

12121 ccccagctct gcccagtgtg agcaagggct cagagggagg gccaagaacc tgaggaccag

12181 aggctgggtg gccatcctta attggctgaa ttggtcctga cctttcttgc tcctccatcc

12241 ctgcctcccc acaggatgac cgcattacca acatcctgga cagcattatt gcgcaggtag

12301 tagaacggaa gatccaagag aaagccctgg ggccaggcct gcgagcaggg tcaggcttac

12361 gcaagggcct gagccttcca ttgtcaccag tgcgaacccg gctgtctcct cctggagctt

12421 tgctgtggct gcaggagccc aggcctaagc atggcttcca tctcttccag gaacactggc

12481 ggcagggcca ggtaagctgg cctacctctc ccttcccaac actatggctt cccctgcttc

12541 acagggtcct agtccccaag cttagagggt cctcctggtg ttcagaggga gcaagcaaag

12601 gctggtcttt cctcaatccc ttccccccac atgttctgga gatgttacaa catgccccag

12661 cctggccact atgggctccc caacaattct tttctcttct tttctttttc ttccttctct

12721 gcagcccgtg ttagtgtcag gcatccagaa gacattga  

PCR primer binding sites are underlined; sequencing primer binding sites are highlighted in gray (overlapping sequences between the PCR primer and sequencing primer are italicized); the mutated A is shown in red text.

Science Writers Anne Murray
Illustrators Victoria Webster
AuthorsWataru Tomisato, Bruce Beutler